Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Hang in there

I really am coming back. I promise. This coming Monday for sure. It's really hard to start dieting in the middle of the holiday rush. I have my full time job then a PT job with a babysitting agency that practically turns into a full time this time of year. My life has been in shambles lately so I'm trying to put back together. I am the type of person that has to have it all together before starting something as big as dieting and making myself a priority. Does that make sense? Anyway, don't give up on me. I'm coming back.



Brian and Julie Woolery said...

hey beautiful, I hope this Christmas season is a time where you can relax even in the midst of the busyness and enjoy the excitement and wonder of this special time of year... love ya!

Sukhaloka said...

hey Shannon, Merry Christmas!

Hope you're hanging in there, and hope to see you soon :)

Poorna Banerjee said...

merry christmas.