Thursday, March 29, 2007

You Know You're On A Diet When...

So, I've been a little hungrey the past few days. The first few days of a diet you notice odd behaviours in yourself. Here is a list that my best friend and I started last time we dieted together. Please feel free to add on.

You know you’re on a diet when…

1. you ask your husband to get a shake from Chick-fil-a so you can watch him eat it
2. you lick your plate for every last calorie you can get
3. you take your measuring spoons, spray dressing and spray butter into a restaurant with you
4. you take your left over broccoli from lunch back to work for snack time
5. you dream about having an extra bowl of cereal and then realize that you didn’t have any extra points for a 2nd bowl and
that put you over for the day and then you wake up panicked
6. things that you never liked before, you suddenly find yourself devouring
7. you spend all day in the bathroom

1 comment:

Alicia said...

i like it. I will add some to it as i go i am sure.