Tuesday, October 16, 2007


So I weighed in today. After 2 weeks of eating whatever the hell I wanted and absoltely no exercise, I broke even. Nothing lost, nothing gained. Not bad but I do have to say that I am a little confused. I work my ass off and sometimes gain. And then over the past couple of weeks, do nothing and gain nothing. I'm seeking God's direction right now and trying to figure out what I need to be doing differently. But until I figure that out, I'm back to the same ole' same ole'.

So what do you think? I am open to your suggestions. maybe God wil speak to me through YOU.

1 comment:

Sukhaloka said...

Shannon, is it simply because you're happier and have been having a good time? :). Being happy can work wonders for your constitution!

BTW if you're considering seeing a counsellor for some reason - getting over old emotional baggage or whatnot - then it's certainly a good idea.

Some people gain weight when they're stressed, some lose it. But all in all, systems tend to stabilise out to the optimum when you're happy. You're doing great about listening to your body, how's about listening to your heart as well? :)
Good luck. God bless you.