Thursday, April 26, 2007

Feeling Better

I've been having some pretty bad back pain for over a year now. It all started with jury duty. Two and half weeks of an extremely emotional trial and sitting in those aweful chairs for 8-10 hours a day will do it. By far one of the worst experiences of my life. I think I have a pretty high pain tolerance so I have been able to put up with it this long without doing something about it.

Last Thursday on a whim I decided to get a massage. I finally had enough. So I booked and 1 1/2 hour massage with a moist heat pack. It was heaven. It put me in a mood for a couple of days. I was exhausted from the previous weeks, wasn't feeling good and I was sore from having my muscles worked out. Regardless of all that, I hadn't felt that relaxed in a long time and my body felt good.

I am going for another one today. I really need to get my body functing again. I think after I am done (if I'm not too relaxed I am going to go to the gym and stretch and then sit in the sauna and hot tub. This should help with the toxin release and help my muscles loosen up even more. I am considering doing this once a week for a couple more weeks and then try to make it a priority to get it done once a month after that. Even though she made good progress on my back last week there is still much more work to be done.

With my back feeling better it is giving me a better focus for staying the course. It's giving me some renewed energy.

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