Monday, August 6, 2007

Am I proud of myself?

Not really but I'm not beating myself up either. I went to weigh-in. That sucked. I weighed when I got to the gym and it was terrible. I had an oh shit moment. I went and stretched and laid by the sun and got in the hot tub and weighed agian on the way out. It was much better but still not great. It has been downgraded to holy cow. So here are the results...

7/2/07 - 319.6
8/6/07 - 325.8
Toal Gain: +6.2 pounds

Oh, I forgot to mention earlier that I had to cancel my Weight Watchers membership. Money has been tight and I could't justify spending $39 a month to get weighed. I love the accountablity but I just can't do it right now. So I will be using the scale at the gym from now on. It works, I'm just praying that I don't get on it 14x a week. That's why I don't own a scale at home. It makes me crazy. I am still doing Weight Watchers thing. Just not paying for it.


Brian and Julie Woolery said...

Hey! I'm glad you're back... and it's ok that you gained a little... at least you're still in the game. :) I LOVE your description of your weigh-in - how many times have we all had those moments? Just keep working hard - I know you can do it! Next time someone goes to the states, I'll send you some yummy Philippine dried mangoes... I'm sure they're not the healthiest snack, but they are fruit, and they are SOOOOO good! love ya!

Shannon said...

Oh yeah. I'm not sweating it. I actually don't really care that much. I'm glad I was actually able to entertain someone!

I would love some of those dried mangoes. They sound wonderful. I haven't heard much from you lately. How are you? How's the baby? And when do you find out the sex?

Anonymous said...

It's all good;)

Shannon said...

thanks Claudia :O)