Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Friends with the treadmill??

Crazy, I know. Is it possible?? Could this really be??? I think it might be. Let me explain.

Every morning I hit the same treadmill. It's right under the air conditioner and right next to the wipes for the machines. Super convient. My routine is set by the machine. I want a cardio workout so I select that and enter the rest of the information like weight, time, speed... It selects my target heart rate and keeps me within range. Normally, it keeps me at my same speed and will increase the incline to raise my heart beat. I can't say that I've paid much attention to the exact number range that it sets the incline but it's never much. It goes down as soon as my goal heart range has been met and back up a little if it gets to low. Well, yesterday I noticed things were different...

Almost immediately yesterday, I noticed that the incline was a little steep. So I move my towel away from the display to look and see what going on. The incline was way up. I don't really remember what it was set on now. I was a little confused since it had never done that before. This morning I get on the treadmill and almost immediately after it reads my heart rate the incline flys up to 7.2. At this point I am holding on for dear life. As I'm starting to gasp for air I'm thinking, is this machine trying to kill me? As much as I'm thinking about fighting the urge to manually change the incline back down to what I think is managable, I continue on with the incline that it has set for me. Really I wasn't dying. I was still within my target heart range. Just on the higher side instead of low to average side.

After about 9 min, I decide that I need some serious music if I am going to keep this up. I've started listening to the Sandals Church Podcast out of Riverside, CA. Great church and I am really enjoying the teaching. It's been keeping me entertained on the treadmill. I'm probably known as the crazy lady who laughs while on the treadmill. Anyway, at this point I have not heard a word the pastor has said. I needed something that rocked hard. I was praying that just the right song would come on. And thank God it did.

It's like the treadmill knew that I was putting myself through a diet boot camp this week and I needed to step it up a notch or 5. I am going to take a fit test before my workout tomorrow to see how i've progressed since I joined in December. I wanted to do it after my workout today but it has to be done before not after. Look for those results tomorrow.


Brian and Julie Woolery said...

hey shannon! what a great story! sounds like you're doing awesome - i love your updates! :) and remember, the longer you make yourself get into a routine, the easier it will be to wake up so early. :)

Shannon said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed my story!

I should be fine with waking up early soon. Last time I was getting up tp do this, it only took about two times to get into it. Today I am already feeling so much better than yesterday.

I have a week to myself so I am able to focus a lot better and get into a good routine.

Anonymous said...


Keep it up! I will keep checking in, as I too am trying to be more "healthy"

Shannon said...

Congratulations and welcome to my blog!