Monday, September 24, 2007

Today is a good day!

I lost 3.1 pounds. I am so excited. Yay! I treated myself today with a sweet tea. yum. I only made it to the gym about four times last week. I've been working really hard lately and was too tired and on a couple of occasions there were just not enough hours in the day. I listened to my body and did what it told me to do. I usually listen but was better about it this time around. I think I finally feel confident enough about my plan.

On a completely different subject other than weight loss, I made a big purchase today. I purchased a really nice camera. It was an unintentional reward. I don't know how I am ever going to top that reward. I am so excited about it. I get to learn how to use it on my way to California!! Now that I think about it, I don't think that I told you that I am helping my sister move to California. We are leaving on October 1 at 5:00 am.

Anyway, I have to actually get to work. I have little of that and tons to do before I leave for out of town. Talk to you soon.


Brian and Julie Woolery said...

yay shannon! keep it up! :) and have tons of fun in california!

Alicia said...

yay. Yay. YAY! I am soo proud of you Shanny! You are doing a great job. I am so excited you are coming to Cali with me!! I can't wait!

Sukhaloka said...

Congratulations! :)

We're so proud of you. Enjoy California - we want pictures, please! Of the place if not the people?

Anonymous said...

That is AWESOME congratultions doll!