Thursday, May 10, 2007

Me at the Gym

My friend Julie asked a really good question. So I thought I'd blog about it. She wanted to know "does anything help while you're there? watching tv, listening to music, etc?"

I am sooooooo not a morning person and right now going with my best friend Jennifer helps. I sleep through my alarm pretty easily and knowing that she is going to is a huge help to me. We are leaving at about 5:30 every morning. She only needs about 30 minutes to work out and I usually go for about an hour and a half. Next week I start back at my 4 AM routine. Ughhh....

TV and music are huge factors for the success in getting me to the gym and staying there. If it wasn't there I wouldn't be able to do it. I get bored. If I work out at night (which I did a lot at first) I would try to be on the treadmill by 10:35 when friends came on. It would keep my entertained for the first half hour cardio routine on the treadmill. When I go in the morning I rely on my music. The news just isn't enough to keep me entertained. It actually has the reverse effect. It makes me want to go to bed.

I should post my workout playlist. Is anyone interested? Maybe I will post my playlist and my whole workout routine this weekend or the first of next week. Would anyone be interested in that?

Julie had another good question. "and where are the promised pics?" Thanks for holding me accountable to that Julie. Mondays are pretty busy and getting someone to take them has been hard. When things are busy I feel bad for asking someone to take a couple of minutes to do it. Which I shouldn't. Monday I will post pictures. If I don't, pester me until I do.

Does anyone else have any questions for me?

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